A PVC pipe and old plates make a cheery dining spot for birds! I made this bird feeder with leftover material from our bathroom remodeling. You can decorate or paint the pipe any way you like. Bonus: It holds plenty of birdseed, and you can control how much seed is released. All the supplies should be available at a hardware store.


  • Short length of wide PVC pipe (ours is 4-1/2 in. in diameter)
  • Eyebolt, nut and 2 washers (ours is 8 in. total length)
  • Bread plate and saucer
  • Primer
  • Acrylic or spray paint
  • Finishing spray
  • Adhesive
  • Sandpaper
  • Drill and tile drill bit
  • Jigsaw

Step-By-Step Instructions:

Step 1

Cut the pipe with a jigsaw so it’s about 3 inches shorter than the total length of the eyebolt. (Be sure to wear safety goggles.) Cut four triangles out of the bottom edge of the pipe where the birdseed will be released. The bigger the triangle you cut, the more birdseed will come out at a time.

Step 2

Sand the rough edges of the cuts and the pipe itself to prep it for primer. Prime the outside; let it dry.

Now get fancy and decorate your pipe! There are endless ways to go: spray paint, stencils, paint pens and more. Let each layer of paint dry. When your design is completely dry, spray the entire thing with finishing spay.

Step 3

Drill a hole in the center of both the bread plate and the saucer with drill and a tile drill bit that will make a hole big enough for your bolt. Drill slowly with minimal pressure to avoid cracking your plates.

Step 4

Attach saucer to top of pipe with adhesive and let dry. Thread bolt through washer and saucer. Fill pipe with seed; attach bread plate to the open end with the nut and the other washer. Turn it over, hang, and let your flying friends enjoy!