Ladybug Facts: Do Spots Reveal Age?

ladybugs, pictures of bugs

They can have as many as 16 spots, but some ladybugs have no spots at all. One of the most commonly believed ladybug facts is that you can tell their age by their number of spots, but this is a myth.

Check out 11 pictures that will change how you see bugs.

Ladybug vs Asian Lady Beetle

While most ladybugs are good, there is one nonnative species that people don’t like. The Asian lady beetle was introduced in California in 1916. Today it’s more common in the East.

Learn how to control a Japanese beetle infestation.

Ladybug Eggs

Ladybug egg cluster on celery leaf, close-up.
Yellow colored ladybug eggs on a leaf

Females will lay up to 1,000 eggs within a few months, generally from spring to early summer.

Discover 8 bugs you should never kill in your garden.

Ladybug Nicknames

You might see these insects called by a few different names, including: ladybirds, ladybugs, lady beetles and lady cows.

Do ladybug sightings have meaning?

Ladybug Defenses

Ladybugs usually protect themselves from predators in one of two ways: They either play dead or secrete a fluid from their legs to make themselves taste bad.

Discover 10 natural ways to eliminate garden insect pests.

Types of Ladybugs

You can find out about 6,000 different species of ladybugs around the world. There are about 500 species in the United States alone. One of the most common ladybugs is the seven-spotted lady beetle. It has seven black spots on its back.

Here’s how to tell the difference between ladybugs and Asian beetles.

Ladybugs Eat Garden Pests

ladybug facts, Seven-spotted Ladybug (Coccinella septempunctata), adult eating Aphids (Aphidoidea), Sinton, Corpus Christi, Coastal Bend, Texas, USA
Seven-spotted lady beetle eating aphids

Ladybugs are great garden predators. Here’s a fun ladybug fact: a ladybug can eat up to 50 aphids a day. Here are six “bad bugs” they’ll eat:

  • Aphids
  • Mites
  • Whiteflies
  • Scale insects
  • Mealybugs
  • Thrips

Next, learn how to tell the difference between a monarch egg and an aphid.

What are native plants? Either you love them, hate them or don’t really know what they are. If you fall into the latter category, don’t worry. Native plants are often hard to define. And some people don’t know where to find native plants. The native plant movement has been going on for the last three decades. Many gardeners feel the only way is the native way, while others envision weeds when they hear the term. Learn more about why you should add these plants to your garden, and also discover a helpful native plant finder.

Here’s why gardening is good for your health.

Native Plants Definition

So, what are native plants? Talk to various experts and avid gardeners, and you may get slightly different answers.

Many classify native plants as those that were here before nonindigenous people arrived. Some scientists and naturalists feel native plants are ones that have inhabited a region for thousands of years. And finally, many others narrow the definition of native plants to the local community or region where they live.

If you look at all these definitions, you’ll notice a common thread. Native plants are ones that have been growing in a region for a long time. And they have historically provided a valuable source of food and shelter for insects, birds and wildlife in the area. I strongly encourage gardeners to look for the natives for their region

Check out these myths and facts about butterfly host plants.

How to Grow Native Plants

Close-up image of the late summer flowering Ironweed purple flowers also known as Vernonia fasciculata
A native plant, ironweed adapts well and is beneficial to garden landscapes.

If you want to grow natives, there are a few basic principles you should know. First, make sure the plant you’ve selected will tolerate the existing growing conditions in your garden. (Psst—here’s how to find your plant zone).

We have had a strong impact on the ecosystems where native plants once thrived. The soil, light and even temperatures are much different. Make sure the plant you want to grow will still thrive.

These 6 genius garden hacks will save you time and money.

All plants benefit from a bit of extra care when you are first trying to establish them. For the best chance of success, prepare your soil before planting, keep weeds at bay, and water as needed to get plants off to a healthy and vigorous start.

Select plants that complement your home and garden design style. You can arrange them like your other garden plants, or you can group them together to mimic their native communities.

Discover the top new garden trends to try in 2022.

How to Work Native Plants into Your Garden

drought tolerant plants
Native plants such as liatris attract bugs, birds and butterflies

Those opting for a native (and to some, a more messy) look may want to include a few “signs of civilization” to put their neighbors at ease. The University of Minnesota found people were more accepting of native-looking landscapes when they included birdhouses, border fences or a strip of mowed grass around the natural plantings.

Perhaps you just want a slice of natives in your garden bed. To make this work, look at other similar plants in their natural settings. Then duplicate nature’s design in your own garden. Keep in mind that you many need to provide a bit of guidance to keep plants within their boundaries.

If you’ve never grown natives before, maybe you’d prefer to start small. As you’re planning your garden, check to make sure all your plants (natives and non-natives alike) are equally assertive and able to coexist. Avoid growing these invasive shrubs.

As you look around your existing landscape, you might be surprised to find you already have quite a few native plants growing. Don’t stop there, though. Build on this to add beauty, food for wildlife and a sense of history to your landscape.

Check out long-blooming flowers for attracting butterflies and hummingbirds.

Native Plant Finder

There are dozens of native plants groups throughout the country, and many garden centers even identify and promote natives as well.

The National Wildlife Federation has a useful native plant finder online, Garden for Wildlife, to help you source native plants that are perfect for your area. Simply click on your state on the map and then you can order collections of easy to maintain plants that will bloom annually – including “Hummingbird Heroes,” “Pollinator Power” and “Monarch Munchables.” Plants will be delivered at the proper time for planting in your growing zone.

“Native plants are at the core of any habitat garden,” says Mary Phillips, head of Garden for Wildlife. “Our curated combinations of native perennials support birds and pollinators galore, making the greatest impact on people, pollinators, and the planet.”

Next, learn how to remove invasive plant species for good.

What Does an American Robin Look Like?

american robin
American robin sitting on a tree

In spring, look for pairs of American robins hopping around on your lawn. Both the male and female American robin are gray-brown birds with yellow bills and orange breasts, but the male’s head is usually darker than the female’s. Robins in the eastern part of the United States show white spots in the outer corners of their tails while in flight.

  • Length: 10 inches
  • Wingspan: 17 inches
  • Distinctive Markings: Male has orange breast, black head and tail, yellow bill, white around eyes and on throat. Female is duller.
  • Scientific Name: Turdus migratorius
  • Family: Thrush

Learn the difference between an American robin vs a European robin.

Nest and Eggs

Robin eggs
Robin eggs

Robins do not nest in birdhouses. Three to four pastel-blue eggs are laid in a neat deep cup made of mud and grass. Fun fact: Robin’s egg blue became an iconic color thanks to Tiffany & Co.’s family jewelry boxes. Its trademarked, custom Pantone shade is No. 1837, the same year the company was founded.

Learn more about robin nests and eggs.

What Do American Robins Eat?

Bnbbyc17 Elliot Davis, how do robins find worms
Robin eating a worm

Diet: Earthworms, in addition to insects and berries
Backyard Favorites: Fresh fruit, raisins and peanut butter

Robins do not typically visit bird feeders. Learn how to attract robins to your yard or garden.

Robin Bird Song

Listen to the American robin’s song. Their loud liquid song sounds like “cheerily, cheer-up, cheerio.” If you wake up early, listen for a robin bird call.

Range Map and Habitat

American robins frequently shows up in yards, fields, farms and woods. See the range map below to learn where to find American robins throughout the year. Do robins migrate south for the winter and return in the spring?

American Robin Bird Species

Do Robins Migrate?

I’ve been having a lot of conversations about spring, most of them along the line of will it ever get here? Many people have noted that one of their biggest signs that spring really is coming is that the robins have returned. Do American robins migrate? The short answer is no. They just change their behavior in the winter so we don’t notice them as much.

Check out 15 cheerful robin bird pictures to welcome spring.

Do Robins Fly South for the Winter?

Do robins migrate?
An American robin perches in a snowy tree in early March

It might surprise you to find out that robins never fly south for the winter. American robins are year-round residents of the lower 48 states. They may make small migratory movements to find food. What’s the difference: European robin vs American robin.

Where Do Robins Go in Winter?

american robin
American robins find food in trees in winter

You may not be seeing robins on your lawn in winter, so you think they’ve gone away. During the winter months robins gather together into huge flocks, sometimes numbering hundreds or even thousands of birds. And they fly around in these flocks in search of fruit. When they find it, the whole flock will descend and strip every berry from the trees and shrubs that they find, often in a single afternoon.

So, if you want to attract robins in winter, plan now to add fruiting native trees and shrubs to your wildlife garden now. So by next winter you’ll have something to offer these fun and friendly birds. (Psst—here’s what a robin bird call sounds like).

Good choices include: American holly (Ilex opaca), Eastern red cedar (Juniperus virginiana), cranberry viburnum (Viburnum trilobum), and winterberry (Ilex verticillata). Ask at your local native plant nursery which berry shrubs will work best for the conditions in your garden.

Next, learn all about robin nests and eggs.

A closeup shot of Bollywood azalea reveals tropical looking flowers and cream edged leaves.
The leaves and flowers are gorgeous on a Bollywood azalea shrub.

Bollywood azalea is a semi-evergreen shrub that adds pizazz to any planting. Bright neon pink flowers of this shrub unfurl early in spring and continue to bloom in clusters through late spring. But what really makes this plant stand out is the unique foliage. The variegated leaves lend the shrub interest throughout the year, depending on where you live.

Rhododendron vs azalea: Find out how to tell the difference.

How to Grow Bollywood Azalea

Here’s what you need to know about Bollywood azalea before you plant one in your yard.

Choose a spot with well-draining, acidic soil.

This shrub shouldn’t need a ton of pruning, but snip it back after flowering if you feel that it could benefit from it. The plant blooms on old wood, so avoid pruning at other times of the year. As with other variegated plants, Bollywood can sprout occasional all-green leaves. If you don’t like their appearance, just pluck the individual green leaf.

Get more tips on how to plant shrubs and bushes.

Where to Plant Bollywood Azalea

This plant shines in a few different settings. Use Bollywood in the middle of a large container to make it the star of the show. As an added bonus, you can move the container around for a boost of color wherever it’s needed.

It also works well as a vibrant addition to a border or path, where passersby can see the patterns in the leaves up close and the blooms’ pleasant fragrance in spring. Plus the bright cream color of the variegated leaves can help outline sidewalks in low light.

Check out 10 dwarf flowering shrubs for containers.

Why You Should Grow Bollywood Azalea

This small shrub is especially beloved by gardeners in the southern U.S. and and attracts beneficial garden bugs.

As a semi-evergreen plant, this azalea cultivar may hold onto its leaves all winter long in warmer areas. Just make sure that it’s planted in ideal conditions. Also, in the warmest zones, the grower suggests planting the shrub in a place with part shade to get a respite from the strong sun and heat.

In spring, pollinators love to touch down on the lightly scented blooms. Watch out for butterflies, bees and more.

Can you grow azalea plants indoors?

Where to Buy Bollywood Azalea

A Bollywood azalea in a Proven Winners pot.

Bollywood azalea is grown by Proven Winners and is available for sale at many online retailers including Home Depot and Tractor Supply Company. It may also be available at your local garden center. Give the store a call first so they can check their stock.

Female and Male Ruby-throated Hummingbirds
Female and male ruby-throated hummingbirds

Whether or not you’ve experienced the thrill of getting to see a hummingbird courtship display or hummingbird nest in person, you’ve probably wondered whether hummingbirds, like some other types of birds, mate for life. Let’s find out what the experts say on this matter.

Here’s how to tell male and female hummingbirds apart.

Do Hummingbirds Mate for Life?

Laura Erickson, former science editor at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, points out that some birds, like cardinals, do bond for life. For other birds, the love connection only lasts for a few weeks or months. But hummingbirds do not mate for life—in fact, it’s only minutes!

Both males and females in the hummingbird species found in the U.S. are thought to have multiple mates, according to Erik Johnson, director of Conservation Science for Audubon Delta, National Audubon Society.

How Do Male Hummingbirds Attract Females?

do hummingbirds mate for life
After several daredevil dives to impress his lady, this male Calliope buzzed back and forth in front of the female.

In addition, male hummingbirds have no role in building a nest, incubating eggs or feeding and raising young.

“That may seem like a huge energetic cost to females, which it certainly is,” says Erik. “But males experience a huge cost, too, by investing in the development of their amazing gorget feathers and by offering spectacular display dives and hovers to attract females.” For example, Erik points out that a male Allen’s hummingbird was documented pushing 60 miles per hour during its display dive.

“Males spend a lot of time during the spring and early summer displaying in their territory,” Erik says, “which they defend from other males, in the hopes of attracting a female.” He says male hummingbirds tend to be smaller than females. This possibly makes them more nimble in flight and able to offer the most exciting courting display.

When males aren’t displaying, they’re feeding, preening, and resting. According to Erik, this rigorous need to display regularly may make males less likely to survive as long as a female, due to an increased risk to predation. Psst—here’s the answer to how long hummingbirds live.

Are Young Hummingbirds Flirting or Fighting?

Juvenile ruby-throated hummingbirds playing
Juvenile ruby-throated hummingbirds

“Were these two juvenile ruby-throated hummingbirds flirting or fighting?” asks Joseph Brown of Christiansburg, Virginia.

Birding experts Kenn and Kimberly Kaufman weigh in: “That’s a great action shot! Hummingbirds seem to pour a lot of their abundant energy into chasing each other. Sometimes there are practical reasons for their aggression, such as when they’re defending a favorite patch of blooms to protect their nectar supply. But other times they seem to be acting out on their generally spunky nature. Young hummingbirds don’t mate until the year after they hatch. So these juveniles were probably just horsing around, not flirting.”

Next, check out 7 sweet photos that show how birds attract mates.

If you or someone you love is a fan of all things bee, look no further than this gift guide that is positively buzzing with bee gifts. There are plenty of options here, no matter what your budget may bee!

1. Vintage Bee Mason Jars

bee mason jars

These glasses, designed to look like vintage canning jars, are detailed with a dainty bee design. They’re the perfect country style glasses for serving sweet tea, lemonade or other summery drinks. Sold in a set of four. You can also get the same design on stemless wine glasses. Looking for another original gift idea? Try a mushroom growing kit!

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Here’s why we love beeswax wrap as a natural alternative to plastic wrap.

2. Bee Zipper Pouch

bee pouch

Bring your love of the humble bee wherever you go with this handy little multipurpose pouch. It’s a perfect size to store makeup, cords/chargers, or other necessities while traveling. The adorable bag can be personalized with your name. Check out these unique gifts for butterfly lovers.

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3. Solar Bee Wind Chime

bee wind chime

Sure, any old wind chime sounds beautiful and adds artistic interest to the patio during the day. But this solar bee wind chime uses the sun’s rays to charge and illuminate at night! There’s an off switch for nights you don’t need the six bees to fly. Don’t miss the best gifts for hummingbird lovers.

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4. Bee Door Knocker

bee door knocker

Add a whimsical, elegant touch to your front door with this bumblebee door knocker, crafted by Michael Healy Designs. Choose from brass, oiled bronze, matte black or nickel silver. Feather your nest with adorable bird home decor items.

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5. Bee Revival Kit

bee revival gift

Save the bees! This bee saving kit attaches to your keychain for when you come across an exhausted bee. The bee revival keyring provides an ambrosia syrup to revive a tired bee so it can get back to pollinating. Full directions provided.

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6. Bee Gift Box

bee gift box

Not sure what to gift a bee lover? How about a little bit of everything? This bee gift box includes bee-shaped soaps and candles, plus a repairing honey hair mask and pollinator kit. And of course, every good bee gift box includes honey!

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7. Crystal Bees

crystal bee gifts

Send the healing power of bees with bee-shaped quartz crystals. Quartz is associated with clarity and energy. Crystal properties aside, these are gorgeous works of carved art with individual etchings and colorings. Stunning!

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8. Bee Face Mask

bee face mask, bee gifts

Stay healthy and show your love of bees with these beautiful cotton face masks. They’re washable, reusable and whimsical. Psst—don’t miss these bird face masks available on Etsy.

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9. Honey I’m Home Doormat

bee doormat

Guests will surely smile when they arrive at your door and see this charming welcome mat that features a happy honeybee.

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10. Honeycomb Necklace

honeycomb necklace

Honeycomb can be its own work of art, and this necklace celebrates the style of the bee hive with its hexagon shapes in a honeycomb pattern with a bee charm. Next, check out gifts any bird lover will absolutely adore.

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11. Bee Kitchen Towel

bee kitchen towel

Accent your kitchen with 100% organic cotton tea towels. Pair one with a jar of organic honey for an extra sweet gift idea. Psst—we found the best cardinal gifts for redbird lovers.

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12. Bee Journal

bee journal

If you know a busy bee who could use a place to write down their to-do lists, pick up this bee-themed notebook. Customize the cover color and number of pages. If you love to write letters, don’t miss the best bird cards.

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13. Bee Socks

bee lover gift socks

If you need a fun gift to buy for someone who digs bumblebees, look no further. These whimsical socks will keep their toes nice and cozy.

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14. Bee Happy T-Shirt

bee t-shirt

You’ll always be in a good mood when you wear this sunny, comfy honeybee shirt, no matter what’s on your honey do list. Check out these owl shirts and hummingbird shirts every bird fan should own.

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15. Honeybee Fairy String Lights

bumblebee fairy lights

Light up the night with a 10 foot string of honeybee-shaped fairy lights. They’re battery-powered, and can be used outside (on a porch or patio, for example), or inside. If there’s someone in your office who loves bees, this would be a great cubical decoration! We found the best garden lights to light up your yard.

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16. Bumblebee Brooch

bee brooch

These dainty bumblebee brooches are made with golden toned brass to add a subtle touch of sparkle to every outfit. It’s one of our favorite subtle bee gifts!

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17. 100 Plants to Feed the Bees book

100 Plants to Feed the Bees book

This book highlights the best plants to attract all sorts of honeybees, bumble bees and other native bees and pollinators. Each plant is pictured in bloom with planting information (and what kinds of bees it attracts). You’ll find regional and seasonal planting guidelines to ensure garden success. Check out the top birding and gardening books we love.

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18. Bee Rubber Stamp

bumblebee stamp

Add a cute bee stamp as an accent to holiday, birthday and any other greeting cards and notes throughout the year. This tiny bee stamp is about the size of a dime and is mounted with a large chunk of glass. Order ink in a variety of colors.

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19. Honey Bee Enamel Pin

honeybee enamel pin

Wear your love of bees on your chest with this adorable enamel pin. Even better, a portion of the proceeds goes to The Honeybee Conservancy, which organizes a national host-a-hive program to help protect and preserve the bee population. Psst—we found more green gift ideas to help pollinators and our planet.

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20. Honeycomb Coasters

bumblebee coasters

Set your drink down on one of these honeycomb coasters, which are made from bamboo. They come in a set of six and at purchase, you can choose to donate $5 to HoneyLove, a bee-preservation nonprofit. A bee gift that gives back!

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21. Bee Rain Boots

bee rain boots

Keep feet dry, comfy AND cute with these adorable yellow bee wellies. You’ll hope for more rainy days just so you have an excuse to wear them! Here’s even more must-have boots for working in the garden.

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22. Bee Earrings

bee earrings

Your ears will sparkle with this beautiful bee gift. The tiny bee stud earrings come in brass, gold or sterling silver options. So cute! Check out these pretty rose gifts.

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23. Beeswax Candles

beeswax candles

These handmade, organic beeswax votive candles are sustainably made with beeswax from American bee farms. And they look just like tiny little bee hives! This would make a great bee gift for a housewarming party. Larger pillar candles are also available.

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24. Honeypot with Wooden Dipper


What a charming keepsake idea for a newborn baby, baptism or first birthday! Or this could be a sweet thank you gift for anyone who loves bees. The beehive shaped ceramic honeypot is decorated with tiny bumblebees. You also get an adorable wooden dipper stick. Next, check out these cute cactus gifts for cactus lovers.

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wingspan board game
Wingspan is a bird-themed board game

Wingspan is one of the most popular tabletop board games on Amazon, with over 7,000 reviews and 4.8 out of 5 stars at the time of publishing. The game has sold more than 1 million units worldwide. As if those stats aren’t impressive enough, the Wingspan board game is currently on sale for an additional $9 off!)

Jamey Stegmaier, who runs the day-to-day operations of tabletop game publishing company Stonemaier Games, told Birds & Blooms, “Wingspan features 180 unique bird cards, each illustrated by hand and designed based on the unique characteristics of the bird (and accompanied by bird facts on each card). Despite having that many cards, a turn of the game is distilled down to one of four choices: Do you play a bird, gain food, lay eggs, or gain more bird cards?”

Interested in adding adding Wingspan to your rotation for family game night? It makes a great gift for bird lovers. Here’s everything you need to know about this bestselling board game.

What is Wingspan?

Game board with food tokens and bird cards

Wingspan is a bird-themed tabletop board game for 1 to 5 players. The game was designed by Elizabeth Hargrave. Each bird card includes information about the species’ habitat, preferred foods, type of nest, number of eggs laid, and more. There are tokens for five kinds of food (fish, rodents, seeds, worms and berries), wooden dice, and small wooden eggs in pretty colors. The dice tower is designed to look like an adorable little bird house. 


  • Beautiful design (we love the bird illustrations!)
  • Expert reviewed facts about birds
  • Short playing time (40 to 70 minutes)


Wingspan dice tower
The Wingspan dice tower looks like a bird house
  • There’s a learning curve, but a swift-start guide is provided for new players.
  • The cardboard dice tower was a bit tricky to put together (I damaged part of the cardboard while bending it into shape). Some players recommend this upgraded plastic tower available on Etsy.

How to Play the Wingspan Board Game

Eggs on bird cards

Before playing the Wingspan board game for the first time, I highly recommend that you watch a video to become more familiar with the game pieces and game play strategies. As someone with very little tabletop game experience, I will admit to feeling confused in the beginning. However, the second time I played, it was much easier for me.

Every copy of Wingspan includes a “swift-start guide.” If you’re playing for the first time, just follow the steps on this guide. It will walk you through your first few turns, after which you’ll know how to play. I found this guide to be very helpful. If you’re a beginner like me, read the instructions closely and and take it slow.

Jamey says, “When you’re playing Wingspan for the first few times, I find it helpful to pick something that excites you and focus on it, even if you don’t win. For example, if you see a bird you like, go through the steps necessary to play that bird: Gain the bird card, gain the food necessary to play it, and play it. That bird may then have an ability that gives you an idea of what to do next. Focus on what’s fun for you as you become comfortable with the game.”

A complete game has four rounds, with a different group goal for each round, as well as personal goals that you can work toward. The winner is the player with the most combined points at the end of game play (bird cards, eggs, and food, plus the goals).

Check out perfect gifts for nature and outdoor lovers.

The Best Wingspan Board Game User Reviews

The game is designed for 1 to 5 players

Verified Amazon purchaser Jason Klueber says
, “Everything about this game is, in a word, luxurious. The component quality is absolutely amazing from the cards through the surprisingly substantial egg minis down to the manual itself. A lot of care was taken to make this game a tactile delight, and it shows. Both (my wife and I) had an enormous amount of fun playing the game and are looking forward to more rounds going forward.”

Brittany Leigh writes, “Aside from the well thought out gameplay, the game is beautiful. Even the texture of the rule book is astonishingly pleasing. The play boards have a nice feel, the cards are sturdy, the pastel eggs are delightful. My favorite design aspect of the game is the wooden dice and rolling them in the birdhouse. If you’re trying to learn about birds, you most definitely can, you just have to give yourself time to play a little bit slower. There are pithy facts on each card, an accurate and well-illustrated image, a mini map, and a proportionate idea of how many eggs each species of bird could lay in a year.”

Mary Simonitch says, “The artwork is fantastic, and the bird information on the cards is great. It has a learning curve, but that should be expected with a game that is built on strategy, not complete luck.”

Where to Buy Wingspan

wingspan board game
Even cats love Wingspan

The Wingspan board game is sold at Target and Amazon. The regular price for the basic game is $60, with expansions available for European and Oceania birds. You can also order additional speckled eggs and upgrade to wooden food tokens.

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Next, check out the best STEM toys, science kits, and nature games for kids.

indigo bunting
Look at field marks, habitat, location and more clues to identify an indigo bunting

“Look at that beautiful bird! And what a lovely song. I wonder what it is?” Experienced bird-watchers can identify birds 30 or even 50 feet away by looking for certain clues. The process is not magic. It is simply a skill that you learn with practice. Learning to identify birds is like putting together a puzzle or solving a mystery. Each species is unique, and often the sexes differ in appearance, which may require additional clues. Patience and practice will help, and the best place to start is your own backyard.

Start with the right tools. Every birder needs a good field guide, and there are a lot of options out there. I prefer The Sibley Guide to Birds, The National Audubon Society Guide to North American Birds, and The Peterson Field Guides to the Birds of North America. Here at Birds & Blooms, visit our Bird Species pages to learn about dozens of species you might find in your backyard. You can also find numerous other useful websites, like The Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s All About Birds, which shows hundreds of North American birds along with their songs, habitats, ranges and other valuable information. There are even birding apps for iPhones and other mobile devices that give the same clues, complete with recordings of the bird’s call. A good pair of binoculars is also helpful.

Now that you’re armed with the right tools, it’s time to start practicing. Here are some simple steps toward identifying birds.

How to Identify Birds

identify birds
When working to identify birds, start by comparing it with the common and well-known American robin. Then run through a list of “clues”.

The clues to identifying any bird are basically the same: shape, size, coloring, unique field marks (wing bars, white outer tail feathers, eye lines), behavior, habitat, voice and geographic location. For backyard birds, start by comparing the visitor to an American robin, which nearly everyone knows. Then look at a field guide or online to discover where the clues lead.

Here’s an example:

identify birds
Male Eastern bluebird
  • Coloring and field marks: Like a robin, it has a brick-red breast, but unlike a robin, it has a brilliant blue back, head and tail. It is white under its tail.
  • Shape and size: The bird you are looking at is smaller than a robin, about the size of a sparrow.
  • Behavior: It spends its time off the ground, sitting quietly on a fence post or a utility wire.
  • Habitat: The bird seems to like being around open fields and grasslands, away from wooded areas.
  • Voice: It has a quiet and melodious chur-lee call.
  • Season and range: It’s May, and the bird is on a farm in Pennsylvania.

With these observations, you can determine that the only bird of this size that has a red breast and a blue back and sings a cheerful song on a Pennsylvania farm in May is a male eastern bluebird.

Seasonal Differences

scarlet tanager eating insect
Some birds like scarlet tanagers look very different in spring and fall. 

During the fall migration south by our summer birds, most warblers and many others lose their brilliant breeding plumage and take on a dull winter garb, so you’ll need other clues. A scarlet tanager male in fall, for example, is no longer a red bird with black wings but a yellow bird with black wings. And a male indigo bunting trades its brilliant blue plumage for the mottled blue and brown of autumn. Be sure to make note of the season and check your guide book for seasonal variations.

Identify Birds Quiz

Now that you’ve got the idea, here’s a chance to test your skills. See if you can use these clues to determine this bird ID.

  • Shape and size: The bird you are looking at is smaller than a robin, even smaller than a sparrow, almost tiny, with a cocked tail.
  • Coloring and field marks: It is brown overall, lighter below and almost chestnut above.
  • Behavior: A noisy little fussbudget, it flits here and there on the ground or in low trees, searching for insects.
  • Habitat: It seems to like backyards, especially with small trees and shrubs.
  • Voice: A loud, chattering song that sounds like a sewing machine, repeated over and over.
  • Season and range: This is June, and the bird is in a Wisconsin backyard with apple trees, shrubs and a flower garden.

Scroll down below the photo to see the answer.

Identify birds
Use the clues above to identify this mystery bird.

Did you figure it out? The answer is house wren. If you didn’t get it, don’t worry. Bird identification takes practice with both observation and your field guides. The more time you spend practicing, the easier it will get!

Next, check out the bird-watching equipment and gear you never knew you needed.